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Pregnancy Feet Problems and Treatment in Sugar Land

Many pregnant women find themselves with tired, aching and swollen feet. Changes in body shape and weight can effect the feet in numerous ways. Women often say that their shoe size changes following pregnancy.

Close-up of a diabetic affected foot in Sugar Land, TX

Causes of Foot Pain

Ligaments in the foot weaken and increased weight causes strain. Fluid retention causes swelling of the feet and legs, often requiring the use of larger or wider shoes. The added weight gain puts extra stress on the hips, knees, and ankles. Any pre-existing foot abnormalities, such as bunions or hammertoes are exacerbated at this time.

Treatment of Pregnancy-Related Foot Problems

When resting, try to elevate your feet above your waist. Refrain from eating salty foods which cause water retention, and wear comfortable walking or athletic shoes. Many of the foot problems that develop during pregnancy will resolve. Unfortunately, these problems often increase during the uncomfortable later months of preganacy.

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