Fungal Nails Treatment in Sugar Land, TX
How Do I Know if I Have Fungal Nails?
A fungus infection of the toenail, also known as onychomycosis, is one of the most common dermatologic disorders affecting the foot. The disease is characterized by a thickening of the toenail plate, debris under the toenail, a lifting of the leading edge of the nail, a change in nail color and occasionally an odor. Patients complain that toenail fungus is ugly and embarrassing. This condition is often ignored because the infection can be present for years without causing any pain.
If ignored, the infection can spread to other toenails, the skin on the feet (ringworm or tinea pedis) and even the fingernails. Severe cases can impair one’s ability to walk or lead to painful ingrown toenails. Secondary bacterial infections may occur on or around the toenail plate.

Treatments for Fungal Nails
Treatments for fungal nails historically have included topical medications, oral agents (pills) or surgical removal of the nail plate. The topical medications were largely ineffective. Oral agents have been known to affect the liver and blood tests needed to be monitored to prevent damage. The removal of the nail plate was painful and debilitating.
Your doctor is the best person to diagnose fungal nails. Symptoms associated with fungal nails may include:
- Yellow streaks in the nail bed and on the underside of the nail.
- The buildup of bits and pieces of skin and nail fragments (debris) under the nail.
- A discolored and thickened nail that may separate from the skin under the nail.
- A brittle, broken, and thickened nail.
- White spots or streaks on the nail surface.
- Soft and powdery nail surface, as the infection gets worse.
- Damaged, crumbly, and brown or gray nail surface.
Causes of Nail Fungus
Contributing factors for developing nail fungus infection include:
- A history of athlete’s foot
- Injury to the nail bed
- Sports/ shoe trauma
- Excessive perspiration
- Diabetes
- Circulatory problems
- Immune-deficiency conditions

How Does the Laser Work
This patented laser is specially designed to shine through your toenail and destroy the specific pathogens embedded in and under your nail causing the infection. It kills the fungus that lives in and under the toenail. The laser light passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear, it takes time to grow out.
Is the Laser Painful?
There is no discomfort associated with the gentle laser light beam during or after your treatment. The laser does not harm healthy tissue or affect your activity in any way.
Does It Really Work?
A clinical study demonstrated that 88% of the treated patients grew out a normal looking nail after one treatment. After one treatment, the nail plate should grow out normally in 6-12 months if there is a healthy nail bed. This result is better than the success rate for prescription pills or creams, which require prolonged use and expose you to risks of dangerous side effects.
Is This Treatment Safe?
Yes! In clinical studies, there have been NO adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities or known side effects associated with laser treatment. Unlike oral medications on the market today for fungal toenails, there are NO risks to the liver or kidneys. There are no age or health restrictions or limitations.
Can I Walk After Treatment?
Yes – the treatment does not harm you in any way. You will be able to put on your shoes and walk out of the office, just as well as you walked in.
How Long Does the Treatment Take?
On average, it takes 20-30 minutes for all 10 toenails. The vast majority of our patients require only one treatment. We treat all 10 toenails even if there are no symptoms of fungus to be sure that there is no cross-contamination. Treating all the nails also reduces the chance of re-infection.
Does My Insurance Pay for This?
Because this treatment is considered aesthetic, many health insurance plans do not cover this treatment. We accept major credit cards and personal checks or you may use your Flexible Spending Account from work.
How Do I Know if This Is Right for Me?
Call us to schedule your complimentary consultation where we will evaluate your condition and recommend the most effective treatment plan.
Why Haven’t I Heard of This Before?
This is NEW laser technology and has only recently become available to the public. Dr. Lee is one of the first doctors to use this technology.
About SteriShoe®
Finally, there’s a clinically proven way to clean the inside of shoes and remove shoe odor without using harsh chemicals. Meet the SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer.
A 45-minute treatment with the SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer’s germicidal ultraviolet light (UVC) destroys microorganisms in shoes, including fungi that cause athletes foot and nail fungus; bacteria that cause shoe odor; viruses; and MRSA. After 45 minutes, the shoe treatment is complete, the germicidal UV light turns off, and the SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer continues to support the shape of a shoe like a regular shoe tree.
Sweat from feet causes shoes to become breeding grounds for the fungus and bacteria that cause toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, and odor. (And each foot sweats up to 8 oz. per day!) Furthermore, the SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer is an essential product for anyone who has diabetes. wash our clothes, and we dry-clean our clothes; now we can finally clean our shoes, too.