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Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists’ Ganglion Cyst FAQs

Without warning, ganglion cysts often show up on a patient’s wrists or feet. The good news is these cysts are not dangerous and are simply a mass of tissue filled with a jelly-like fluid. Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists provide ganglion cyst treatment for Sugar Land, TX patients. We’ll answer your most frequently asked questions about ganglion cysts to help you understand these mysterious lumps.

A ganglion cyst is a small growth that is most often located on the hands or feet. These soft-to-firm cysts are about 1-3 cm in diameter. The cyst is filled with a thick, gel-like fluid that mimics joints’ synovial fluid.

Ganglion cysts are round, translucent cysts underneath the skin. They can range from tiny to as big as a plum. Ganglion cysts can either be soft or firm and filled with fluid.

Ganglion cysts are typically caused by injury, but the actual cause is unknown. Ganglion cysts may develop after a traumatic or repetitive movement causes an injury that allows the synovial fluid to leak from the joint into the tissues, creating the cyst’s gelatinous material and forming the cyst capsule. Ganglion cysts may also develop due to the genetic predisposition of underlying connective tissues.

Ganglion cysts are not commonly painful unless they are large enough to interrupt the wrist’s range of motion or push on a nerve. The most common symptoms of a ganglion cyst include:

  • A lump most found on the wrist or top of the foot
  • Dull pain if the cyst is pressing against a joint or tendon
  • Tingling or pain if the cyst is touching a nerve
  • Discomfort wearing shoes

A ganglion cyst’s interior is made of sticky, clear fluid that feels the same as synovial fluid, which lubricates joints throughout the human body.

No. Ganglion cysts are sometimes painful, but they are not dangerous or cancerous. They do not have nerves, but they sometimes press on a nerve that causes pain or weakness.

Ganglion cysts often look like tumors, but they are never cancerous.

Ganglion cysts often disappear over time. There is no reason for this disappearance. They can get smaller, larger, or disappear.

We provide multiple types of treatment for a ganglion cyst on the foot, including:

  • Monitoring the cyst for any developments
  • Wearing different types of shoes that do not cause irritation
  • Draining the fluid from the ganglion cyst with a syringe needle
  • Surgically removing the ganglion cyst to ensure it will not return

Yes. If the cyst is struck with force, a ganglion cyst can burst. If a ganglion cyst pops, it should not cause pain and isn’t usually dangerous. There may be a tender area for a few days. When a ganglion cyst pops, the fluid relocates, meaning it will often grow in another location.

If a cyst ruptures, the interior fluid will spread under your skin. It should be absorbed into the bloodstream and surrounding tissues and the bloodstream. The affected area may be sore, red, and swollen.

We don’t recommend it if you’re wondering how to drain a ganglion cyst yourself. The fluid inside the ganglion cyst will spread into the open spaces of your bones and may cause another cyst to grow. If you try to pop the ganglion cyst with a needle or sharp tool, you risk infection.

Contact Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists Today

If you’re experiencing bunion pain, we can help. Our podiatrists can determine whether you have a tailor’s bunion and the best bunion treatment options for your foot. We have two convenient locations in the Sugar Land area. Contact us today to request a consultation.

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